Willie Doyle SJ - a complex hero on the path to sainthood?

A multifaceted mix of wartime heroism, penitential spirituality, practical joker and a tender care for his fellow humans, Wille Doyle continues to fascinate people today, one hundred years on from his death in the First World War.
Some admire his selflessness, others are attracted to his deep spirituality and desire to bring the word of God to the broadest possible audience. Many draw attention to his sense of humour, positive attitude and upbeat disposition which supported the soldiers to whom he was Chaplain during dark and dangerous times in the trenches of WWI. Maybe it is a combination of all this that has seen the cause for his canonisation gain momentum in recent times?
A new booklet by a contemporary confrère, Patrick Corkery SJ, sheds some light on this conundrum of a man. Willie Doyle SJ: 'Much in the Presence of God' offers a multidimensional portrayal of a man who touched the lives of so many. As well as biographical detail, the booklet offers points of reflection and considers the relevance of this complex and moving figure for today's self-focussed world.
Patrick Corkery is an Irish Jesuit from Cork, currently working in Gonzaga College SJ, Dublin. In his studies for the priesthood he has spent time in the United Kingdom and the United States. He is the author of St Ignatius of Loyola: A Convert's Story. To Bring Comfort and Consolation: Bereavement Ministry by Patrick Corkery SJ is published in Ireland and the UK by Messenger Publications. Priced at €4.95/£4.50.