Recap of what happened in Laudato Si' Week

Tomas Insua centre
Imagine Catholics from six continents of the world coming together for seven days to take different actions for the care and protection of our common home. It would be awesome, wouldn't it? This happened during Laudato Si' Week 2022.
If you missed events that took place from May 22-29, on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the encyclical Laudato Si', you can read about them on the website of the Laudato Si Movement. What you may have missed is the countless number of events that have taken place around the world. From South Korea to Mexico and from Pakistan to Argentina, highlighting strong activities in Africa and Europe in protest against the oil companies Total Energies and Shell.
We have seen prayers, masses, bell ringing, tree planting, peaceful demonstrations and even a dive-clean-up in the coral reefs of the Pacific!
"We have to realize that a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach" (LS #49). That's why so many people took action this week. Are you ready for more? We will be living the Season of Creation soon, join us!
This is a recap video:
Video highlights of Laudato Si Week 2022:
Season of Creation 1 Sept - 4 October at:
Tomás Insua is Executive Director of the Laudato Si' Movement.