LGBT+ Catholics Westminster at Pride-in-London

LGBT+ Catholics Westminster were a visible presence at the Pride-in-London Parade last Saturday. 40 people, including straight allies, marched slowly through the afternoon behind their banner, alongside other faith-based groups. The route took them from Marble Arch, through Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square, to end in Whitehall. There was also an LGBT+ Catholics Westminster information stall in Soho Square's Community Market Place all day.
Tens of thousands lined the route and the Mayor of London estimated that, in all, over a million people were part of the occasion. It was a great joyful occasion - a wonderful affirmation and warm recognition of the human dignity of LGBT people. And thankfully, no sign, this year, of the aggressive street preachers threatening the marchers with hell fire and damnation.
It was an important Catholic presence and it was certainly a tremendous evangelising opportunity. Several thousand visiting cards with details of LGBT+ Catholics Westminster's regular Mass at Farm Street Jesuit Church were offered and taken up by people in the crowds watching from the pavements. Many of the punters were highly positive, cheering on the marchers with shouts of 'Yes, we're Catholics too! ' or similar. Others looked puzzled or even surprised.
A steady stream of visitors to the stall asked for information. A number of LGBT Catholics, having felt shunned or rejected by the Church or even denied absolution in the past, were delighted to discover that as LGBT people they could be explicitly welcomed at Sunday Masses - not only in London but also in Manchester, York, Liverpool, Bristol and elsewhere. For some, as in previous years, it will probably mark a return to the life of the Church once more.
LGBT+ Catholics see their participation as both witness and an opportunity for respectful evangelisation.
At the next regular Mass at Farm Street Jesuit Church, at 17.30, Sunday, 10 July, along with the well-known hymn, All Are Welcome, will be included a special hymn:
Guide us to openness, Spirit of mercy, aid us in seeking God's justice and grace.
Move us to show Christ's compassion through witness, love first to offer and hate to erase.
Guide us to openness! Guide us to openness!
Let no one ever be shunned or denied.
Make of the Church a bold place of compassion, that all who seek you may come and abide.
Spirit of tenderness, impart your presence, fill both our hearts and our hands with your care.
Let no one suffer or grieve unattended, grant us your kindness and warmth here to share.
Guide us to openness! Guide us to openness!
Let no one ever be shunned or denied.
Make of the Church a bold place of compassion, that all who seek you may come and abide.
Though there are those who would limit Christ's graces, still we refuse to believe in such lies,
for in this time we have made a commitment never to limit love's power or size.
Guide us to openness! Guide us to openness!
Let no one ever be shunned or denied.
Make of the Church a bold place of compassion, that all who seek you may come and abide.
The words are by the Rev W Robert Martin, III Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Palo Alto, California, and were dedicated to the faithful ministry of More Light Presbyterians.