Faith leaders to pray together ahead of government FoRB conference

Fiona Bruce MP
His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London, and The Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro, will host a prayer breakfast in London on Wednesday 6 July where Fiona Bruce MP, Prime Minister's Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief, will make the keynote address.
The Prayer Breakfast is part of the 2022 International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) when the UK government will host the human rights conference to urge increased global action on freedom of religion or belief for all. The prayer breakfast will be attended by more than 100 delegates that will include ambassadors, special envoys for religious freedom and representatives from NGOs.
Archbishop Angaelos explains: "Violations against people of religion, or belief, are an indication of violations of many other human rights within the same context. It is now also understood that the issue is beyond the capacity of any individual, organisation, community or even State to tackle alone. That is why the UK Government Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief is so important."
"I look forward to co-hosting another event with my dear friend Bishop Philip to which we are inviting key FoRB advocates, civil society actors, policy makers, and religious leaders to further nurture the spirit of collaboration and cooperation for the many around the world who need our collective voice and action."
"It is a well-known fact that violations against people of religion or belief are an indication of violations of many other human rights within the same context. It is also now understood that the issue is beyond the capacity of any individual, organisation, community or even State to tackle alone. That is why the collaboration and cooperation that will be demonstrated at the upcoming UK Government Ministerial Conference for Religious Freedom or Belief, as well as the relationships that will be forged to ensure ongoing work, will be critical in demonstrating the power of a collaborative and holistic approach to a global platform. We can no longer turn the other way.
"We can no longer fail to recognise the destructiveness of the persecution faced by millions around the world purely based on their faith they have or want to have, and what they choose to believe, or indeed not believe.
"Sitting in our silos is no longer an option and neither is pretending not to see the suffering of others. It is time for us to see these violations as violations against the humanity we share, and to aspire to collaborative action that leads to solutions."
Bishop Mounstephen said: "I'm delighted that the UK is hosting the forthcoming Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief. It seems particularly appropriate that we should be doing so almost exactly three years after the recommendations of the Truro Review were accepted by her Majesty's Government. This conference provides the UK and other governments with the perfect opportunity to press ahead with this vital global issue, recognising that for so many faith communities in the world the situation is getting steadily worse.
"I'm delighted too to be welcoming many friends and colleagues to the Prayer Breakfast I'm co-hosting with my dear friend Archbishop Angaelos. It will be an inclusive event for people of many traditions, but it stands as a sign that faith (and the right not to believe) is a crucial part of the identity of so many individuals and communities the world over, and as such deserves to be protected and respected."
Dr Ewelina Ochab, Deputy Director of Refcemi, IBAHRI Programme Lawyer and Co-founder of the Coalition for Genocide Response, said: "The Ministerial on Freedom of Religion or Belief is an important affirmation of our commitment to freedom of religion or belief for everyone everywhere. It is an initiative that everyone should be involved in, one way or another. During the Ministerial, we will hear from those who have been intimidated, harassed, persecuted because of their religious or belief identity. We will hear the stories of those who cannot speak for themselves, as they have been arrested, detained, or worse, because of their religious or belief identity. We must use their messages and stories to work together towards a change and towards a more prosperous future - for all, everyone, everywhere."
Fiona Bruce MP, Prime Minister's Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief, commented: "I'm delighted that the UK is hosting this International Ministerial Conference, and along with my colleague, Lord Tariq Ahmad, I look forward to welcoming delegations to London. This will be the UK's biggest human rights conference this year and represents an important opportunity to bring together governments, civil society, academics and representatives of faith and belief organisations to agree practical next steps to promote and protect the right to freedom of religion or belief. I look forward to two days of productive discussions and stand ready, as Chair this year of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance, to continue to build consensus for action on this issue."
Archbishop Angaelos is widely known and respected for his work to give a voice, and a platform, to those who are persecuted for their religion or belief. In 2019 he established Refcemi, The Coptic Orthodox Office for Advocacy and Public Policy. The word Refcemi is the Coptic word for advocate, and working with affected communities, Refcemi listens, speaks and acts on their behalf. It organises roundtables, conferences and webinars with experts and affected communities; to educate on the situation and provide a platform for the persecuted. It engages the UK Parliament, UK Government, other governments and international actors.