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St Bede Liturgy Lecture

Rev Bernard Eckerstorfer OSB

Rev Bernard Eckerstorfer OSB

The annual St Bede lecture will be given by Rev Bernard Eckerstorfer OSB, Rector, Athenaeum Sancti Anselmi de Urbe, Sant'Anselmo, Rome, at the Benedictine Institute, Ealing Abbey, London, at 2.30pm (London time) this coming Saturday, 9th July.

The lecture is titled: Worship with One Accord: In Memoriam, Geoffrey Wainwright, 1939-2020 - based on the text of Sacrosanctum Concilium nº 1:

"This sacred Council has several aims in view: … to foster whatever can promote union among all who believe in Christ; …. The Council therefore sees particularly cogent reasons for undertaking the reform and promotion of the liturgy.."

"Sacrosanctum Concilium, cum sibi proponat … quidquid ad unionem omnium in Christum credentium conferre potest, fovere; … suum esse arbitratur peculiari ratione etiam instaurandam atque fovendam Liturgiam curare".

Ealing Abbey, London, W5 2DZ.

The lecture will also be livestreamed. If you are able to come and be with us in person, please note the new venue, here at the Benedictine Institute.

To Join the Zoom Meeting see:

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