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Bishops release initial reflections on National Synthesis document

Cardinal with group at 2022 Rite of Election in Westminster Cathedral. Image MMazur CBCEW

Cardinal with group at 2022 Rite of Election in Westminster Cathedral. Image MMazur CBCEW

Source: CBCEW

The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales have released a statement titled 'Seeking Our Hearts' Desire' - offering their initial reflections on the National Synthesis document.

This in turn was the fruit of a discernment process in which the National Synthesis Team reflected on hundreds of pages of Synod reports received from the dioceses of England and Wales as well as Catholic organisations and individuals.

They collated the material to give a picture of the synodal process in England and Wales.


Bishops' Reflection on the Synodal National Synthesis - Seeking Our Hearts Desire:

Synod: National Synthesis - England and Wales:

National Synthesis Team:

Cardinal Vincent Nichols took part in a press conference to discuss the National Synthesis and the Bishops' reflection statement alongside Canon Christopher Thomas, General Secretary of the Bishops' Conference and Sarah Adams, Clifton Diocese's Director for the Department of Adult Education and Evangelisation. Listen HERE


Stella Maris

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