Opus Dei and German Way: the meaning of filial obedience

Mgr Fernando Ocariz
Source: Where Peter Is
Pedro Gabriel writes in Where Peter Is:
On July 22, 2022, Pope Francis issued the motu proprio Ad Charisma tuendum, explaining how the personal prelature of Opus Dei would be affected by the Holy Father's reform of the Roman Curia. According to this document, the competencies regarding personal prelatures will be transferred from the Dicastery for Bishops to the Dicastery for the Clergy. Accordingly, the Prelate of Opus Dei will no longer be a bishop but will hold the title of Supernumerary Apostolic Protonary instead.
The reactions from the usual suspects were swift and predictable. Fixated as they are in reading every Church affair through the lens of their own preoccupations, influential online voices of the traditionalist movement are now claiming that this decision was meant to end the possibility of solving the rift between traditionalists and the Holy See by establishing personal prelatures - similar to Opus Dei - for groups like the FSSP, the ICK, or even the SSPX...
To read on see: https://wherepeteris.com/opus-dei-and-german-way-the-meaning-of-filial-obedience/