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Patrick Darnes - RIP

  • Deborah Darnes

Source: Sabeel-Kairos

Patrick Darnes, dedicated campaigner for justice and equality for the Palestinian people died on 18 July.

Deborah Darnes writes in the Sabeel-Kairos newsletter: Patrick was born and grew up in Spalding Lincolnshire. After graduating in 1976 in Applied Biology at Hatfield Polytechnic, where he met his future wife Deborah, they both went for three months to experience life on a kibbutz in Israel. They were fairly ignorant of the politics but after travelling around and meeting people both Israeli and Arab (Palestinian) got to appreciate how the non-Jewish population were treated as second class citizens.

They both then had a special interest in that part of the world but it wasn't until 2010 after a meeting of Christians Aware they decided to go out there again and booked on an ICAHD study tour which changed both of their lives.

Patrick went out again in 2014 and with Deborah did the Nativity Trail walk staying with families in refugee camps, Bedouin tents etc. In 2017 they both attended the Sabeel conference in Palestine.

Patrick and Deborah campaigned actively and were involved with ICAHD, Sabeel-Kairos and PSC. Patrick was very involved in the North West Sabeel group and helped lead several reflection days. He also designed and produced several leaflets used by different groups to inform people about the Balfour Declaration and its impact on the Palestinian people, A timeline of the oppression of the Atta Jaber family whom he had met in 2010, and for the JCB campaign.

Patrick was also involved with Manchester PSC and worked on the early campaign against Elbit, (a supplier of Israeli weapons with factories in the UK), identifying the Oldham factory which was successfully closed.

Patrick also took part in the Big Ride for Palestine which is now an annual event until he was unable to cycle any longer due to declining health. He was very active within the Methodist church and was involved in several memorials to conference on Palestine, as well as campaigning politically, writing numerous letters to the press and politicians on the injustice of the situation.

Patrick remained passionate about the cause which sometimes made him unpopular but he always felt compelled to speak out.

Patrick was diagnosed in 2019 with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. He kept active using a portable oxygen concentrator and then a mobility scooter but in recent months was on continuous oxygen and housebound. He continued to write and email until a couple of weeks before he died.

Patrick also campaigned on environmental issues and had been active in the past on conservation projects. He collected fountain pens, loved wearing hats and had a weakness for classic cars which he felt a little guilty about. The MG Midget was recently sold but the family are keeping the Citroen 2CV.

He leaves behind wife Deborah, two sons Justin and Adam, two daughters-in-law Aga and Gemma, and a wonderful grandson Reuben, aged 5.

Sabeel-Kairos writes:

It is with great sadness that we reflect on the life and work of Patrick - a lifelong campaigner for the Palestinian people, and a staunch supporter of the Sabeel-Kairos movement for many decades. Patrick was always passionate and uncompromising when it came to the Palestinian cause. He spent many hours focused on educating and trying to help others to see the injustices they endured - sometimes with a great deal of frustration about the lack of action in the Church, but always with a heart to change things.

He dedicated many hours to producing materials that would help others to understand the history of Israel-Palestine, and particularly Britain's role in it. This he often did at his own expense, producing excellent leaflets that we would hand out at events and meetings across the UK. He continually challenged us to aim higher, strive to be better, and keep the Palestinian people at the centre of all we did. For that we remain ever grateful for his dedication and support, and pray that his campaigning legacy lives on.

Patrick Darnes, 21/06/1953-18/07/2022. Rest in peace, and rise in glory.


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