CAFOD on Songs of Praise

Bishop John Arnold with Rev Kate Bottley
Source: CAFOD
On Sunday, 16 October, Songs of Praise on BBC1 will celebrate CAFOD's 60th anniversary in their milestone moments episode.
CAFOD trustee Bishop John Arnold and Head of Supporter Engagement Jo Kitterick will be featured chatting to Rev Kate Bottley about CAFOD's history and our hopes for the future.
Bishop John and Jo both speak about the impact of the climate crisis and why supporting communities around the world to deal with its consequences has become a central part of CAFOD's work.
The filming took place in the Laudato Si centre in Salford, which was established by Bishop John in response to his work with CAFOD and Pope Francis' letter to the world, Laudato Si. The centre has a range of environmentally friendly projects, including several hives of bees which will appear on the programme.
The episode also marks milestones from other organisations and churches, such as Manchester Cathedral and the BBC's 100 years of public broadcasting.
Tune in on Sunday at 1.15pm on BBC1. Watch online here:
The episode will also be available on BBC iPlayer shortly after airing.