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Book launch: God in Number 10

Fr Mark Vickers and Nigel Parker

Fr Mark Vickers and Nigel Parker

A book exploring the personal beliefs and faith - or lack of it - of the twentieth-century UK Prime Ministers was launched last week. Mike Kane MP hosted a reception in the Churchill Room in the Houses of Parliament for the publication of God in Number 10 by Fr Mark Vickers, Parish Priest of the Holy Ghost and St Stephen in Shepherds Bush.

Among the guests were Archbishop George Stack, Bishop John Sherrington, Rev Tricia Hillas, the Speaker's Chaplain, Canon Pat Browne, Roman Catholic Duty Priest to Parliament and Mgr John Armitage, Master of the Guild of Our Lady of Ransom. Fr Marcus Holden, Fr Richard Whinder and Fr Nicholas Schofield - to whom the book is dedicated - also attended.

Fr Vickers' book casts a fascinating new perspective on the holders of the highest political office in the realm. While there are biographies aplenty of most of the 18 men and two women who have taken up residence behind the famous black door, it is notable that many of these works fail to examine an important - sometimes the most important - aspect of the life of their subject. God in Number 10 rectifies this omission, offering intriguing insights into Margaret Thatcher's legendary 'Sermon on the Mound', Tony Blair's perception of Jesus as a modernizer, Arthur Balfour's recourse to spiritualism, Stanley Baldwin's mystical experiences, and Winston Churchill's involvement with astrology. The book considers the role of religion generally in the political classes of the period, the reasons for the declining influence of faith in the public forum, and the relationship between Church and State.

The families of HH Asquith, Bonar Law, Ramsay MacDonald, Neville Chamberlain, Harold Macmillan, Alec Douglas-Home and Harold Wilson have all expressed their support for God in Number 10 and, where able, helped in the research, while John Major has assisted fully.

Commenting on the book Sir Anthony Seldon, Biographer of the Prime Ministers said: "Faith defined the reigns of many of our kings and queens. The faith of the Prime Ministers, however, has been largely overlooked by historians. This carefully researched and well-written study reveals the religious faith of our Prime Ministers, or lack of it, in vivid colours. Prepare to be shocked and surprised as the author lays bare their souls."

Nigel Parker, director of the Catholic Union, who attended the launch said: "In the 21st century we have had our first Catholic Prime Minister (in Canon Law terms) and now have our first Hindu PM. On leaving Parliament, a group of us ran into Keir Starmer and I took the opportunity to show him the book I had just bought (inscribed "to all at the Catholic Union"). Only God knows whether the time is now approaching for our first avowedly atheist Prime Minister. Of course, we continue to pray for the incumbent of Number 10, regardless of their personal beliefs."

God in Number 10 is published by SPCK. For more information and to order copies see:


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