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Call for young leaders with Safe Passage

  • Amir Hussain Ibrahimi

Amir with some youth leaders friends

Amir with some youth leaders friends

My name is Amir Hussain Ibrahimi and I'm from Afghanistan. I was evacuated from Afghanistan in August 2021, and since December I have been a Young Leader with Safe Passage.

Safe Passage and the Young Leaders are part of my family. It is the place that I joined when I newly arrived in the UK. The Young Leaders are a group of young people from refugee backgrounds, from different places around the world. I'm so happy that I am part of this amazing group.

We meet each other every two weeks, either online or face-to-face. We just want to meet each other, share our ideas and learn new skills from each other.

It's great to meet other young people from around the world; sharing our language, our humanity, our culture and our food.

We've done lots of campaigns together. We trust each other. I know we are fortunate to be all here together, raising our voices to create change for other refugees.

Since I joined we've done so much:

- We've done digital campaigns (#SafeRoutesSaveLives), an event in the House of Lords where we met politicians, and campaigned against the Nationality and Borders Bill;

- We've put on workshops, including one on kite-making - which I delivered as part of a project I was working on;

- We joined all the Safe Passage Staff for their away day in Cambridge;

- We went on a residential together in Sussex;

- We won Amplifying Voices award with SMK National Campaigns Award!
And we've helped select the new Trustees for the Safe Passage Board

Are you under 25 and from a refugee/asylum-seeking background? Would you like to join us?

Then join the Safe Passage Young Leaders today!

Please click on the link to express your interest in the program and we will be in touch soon. Or send this email to someone who might be interested.

Sign up for Young Youth Leaders here:

Would you like to support Young Youth Leaders? Here's how can you get involved?

Are you interested in delivering a session with us - either remotely or face-to-face when possible? We'd love to hear from campaigners and public speakers; journalists and social media whizzes; drama practitioners and artists.

If you have experience engaging young people remotely/digitally, we'd love to have you share ideas and best practices. So please get in touch with Safe Passage via!


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