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NBCW seeks representative for World Day of Prayer

The National Board of Catholic Women invites applications for the position of Catholic Representative to World Day of Prayer. (WDP)

The World Day of Prayer (formerly Women's World Day of Prayer) is the largest, ecumenical, global women-led movement. Its motto is 'Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action'. In the UK the funds raised from the annual services assist many different projects funded by Christian charities worldwide.

Volunteer position: Travel expenses paid (and accommodation where necessary)

Applicants: Catholic woman over 18 years, but would best suit retired person or someone with flexible working hours.

Meetings: four to five one day meetings in London + a three day residential in November, to prepare the materials for the following year's World Day of Prayer. Since Covid some meetings are now on Zoom.

Preparation Days: Members assist at training days or half days arranged by local branches across the country. Averages four days attendance between September and February.

Qualifications: Enthusiasm and commitment (specialist skills always welcome).

Appointment: The successful applicant is appointed by the Cardinal on the recommendation of the National Board for Catholic Women (NBCW). The WDP Catholic Representative also sits on the NBCW Ecumenical Committee, makes a written report to the NBCW 3 times a year, and attends NBCW meetings where possible.

Closing Date: January 1st 2023

If interested in applying please email Janet Ward: for further details.

The retiring Catholic Representative, Suzanne O'Malley writes: "The WDP National committee is made up of women from many different Christian denominations. It has been fruitful to meet with such diversity of women, and I have learned to appreciate my own faith from a different perspective."


World Day of Prayer:

National Board of Catholic Women:


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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