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CTE Presidents urge prayerful support for Ukraine this Christmas

Source: CTE

The following statement by the Presidents of Churches Together in England, with the support of the Fourth Presidency Group, was released on Christmas Eve 2022:

"At Christmastime, Christians have a special reason to pray for those caught up in violence and driven from their homes by conflict. Our Saviour's family were themselves refugees in Egypt, led by the Spirit to escape Herod's persecution, cut off from their home and community, and no doubt travelling in great fear. As Presidents of Churches Together in England, we call to mind the suffering of the people of Ukraine this terrible winter as the unjust Russian invasion continues.

"We urge Christians everywhere to continue to stand in prayerful solidarity with the people and churches of Ukraine and to support them in their hour of need. We also hold in prayer all those displaced and suffering the effects of war and oppression. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and his love, justice and peace, we wish the people of Ukraine - and all people - a chance to celebrate in peace the coming of our Lord into this world of need."

Presidents of Churches Together in England:

Archbishop Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
Rev Canon Helen Cameron, The Free Churches Moderator
His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas, Archbishop of the Oecumenical Patriarchate (Diocese of Thyateira and Great Britain) and CTE President for the Orthodox Churches
Bishop Tedroy Powell, National Overseer of the Church of God of Prophecy UK and CTE Pentecostal and Charismatic President

The Fourth Presidency Group comprises Lutheran, Quaker and The Church of Scotland (English Presbytery) Member Churches.


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