First multilingual Synodality Training Course

The first online multilingual course on synodality, open to all Christians, begins on 17 January.
Promoted by Sophia University Institute's Evangelii Gaudium Centre, the course has been organised in collaboration with Cardinal Mario Grech, General Secretariat of the Synod. It consists of four stages: three academic modules and a residential meeting. They will deal with topics related to the synodal process: what is synodality? Is it in line with what is expressed in the Magisterium of the Church and Canon Law? How is it possible to live it in the Church?
Addressed to the entire People of God (from bishops to pastoral workers, from priests to consecrated men and women, from seminarians to lay people), the course aims to offer a wide-ranging theological and pastoral preparation with the objective of providing the Christian community with a model for the communal exercise of Christian thinking and acting. Lectures will be held on Zoom.
It is possible to register for the entire course or for a single module. The lessons will be held in Italian, with simultaneous translation into Spanish, Portuguese and English.
For more information and registration email:
Those who intend to register for the entire course must do so by 15 January 2023.
Those wishing to follow one or more modules have a deadline of: 4 February for the 1st Module; 4 March for the 2nd Module; and 6 May for the 3rd Module.