Breaking news: Drive-by shooting outside London church + UPDATE

Six people attending a funeral in Euston were injured in a drive-by shooting about 1.30pm yesterday.
A seven year-old girl was very seriously injured. A 12 year-old girl and four women, aged 21, 41, 48 and 54 were also hurt in the incident outside St Aloysius church in Phoenix Road.
Mourners had gathered outside the church to watch a dove release after the Requiem Mass for Fresia Calderon and her daughter Sara Sanchez, who died within a month of each other. Sara, aged 20, had leukaemia. Her mother died of a thrombosis.
Parish priest Father Jeremy Trood, told reporters he heard a loud bang and many people who were outside the church had rushed back in. One parishioner said the situation was "chaos."
UPDATE: Police announced today that a 22 year-old man has been arrested in connection with the shooting.
Fr Strood spoke with Sky News this evening. See: