Celebrating Racial Justice

Source: CARJ
Racial Justice Week begins with Racial Justice Sunday (5th February) as celebrated by the Catholic Church in England and Wales. The theme is 'All are included in the mission of Christ and his Church - let us walk together, pray together and work together'. Further information may be found on the website for the Catholic Bishops Conference for England and Wales (CBCEW) See link below.
The week finishes with Racial Justice Sunday as celebrated by the other Churches - led by Churches Together Britain and Ireland (CTBI). This ecumenical celebration marks the 30th anniversary of the killing of Stephen Lawrence in 1993. The reaction to his death by the police was declared to be an example of 'institutional racism' by the McPherson Report in 1999.
The CTBI Resource is entitled 'A call to Remember, 'Reflect and Respond.' It includes a reflection on the death of Stephen Lawrence by Yogi Sutton, Chair of CARJ. This Resource is available on the CTBI website.
The Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ) will be making more information and resources available throughout Racial Justice Week.
CARJ: www.carj.org.uk/
CBCEW Racial Justice Sunday: www.cbcew.org.uk/racial-justice-sunday/
CTBI Racial Justice Sunday: CTBI website. See: https://ctbi.org.uk/racial-justice-sunday-2023-stephen-lawrence/