Cardinal offers prayers for victims of earthquakes
Following the devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey that have left thousands dead and many more injured and homeless, Cardinal Nichols has written to Fr Andrawis Toma, Chaplain to the Chaldean Catholic community in London, to offer prayers and condolences.
In his letter he writes:
'I am writing to offer my sincere condolences following the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and northern Syria.
'Please do extend my sincere sympathy to your congregation in the Chaldean Catholic Church.
May God grant strength and enduring faith to all who are bereaved, injured and traumatised. May God welcome into his merciful presence all those who have died.
'I assure you all, too, of the prayers and condolences of the Catholic Community in England and Wales. We, too, mourn this loss of life. We pray for the eternal repose of all who have died.'