Southern Dioceses Environment Network Meeting
The next meeting of the Southern Dioceses Environment Network (SDEN) on Monday 13th February 2023, 12.45-2pm, will be an exploration of 'Laudato Si' in 2023', revisiting Pope Francis' document to see how it is inspiring and continues to guide our agenda in this, its eighth anniversary year.
John Paul de Quay (Journey to 20230), Colette Joyce (Westminster Justice & Peace), Richard Busellato (Rethinking Choices) and Sian Thomas (Caritas Brentwood) from the Planning Group will all be presenting short inputs on aspects of the encyclical Laudato Si' that are motivating them.
To register, please book in advance using the Eventbrite link: or write to Colette at
About This Event
Together we will revisit Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical Laudato Si' to draw inspiration for the year ahead in preparation for the 8th anniversary of the letter on 24 May 2023.
About Us
We meet monthly online on the second Monday of the month and also organise occasional other events online and in-person for mutual support and encouragement. Every meeting includes input on some aspect of the climate or environment and a sharing of best practice in resources and events.
Some events take place jointly with the Northern Dioceses Environment Group and guests from elsewhere are always welcome, as we all work together to animate the Catholic community in the long-term task of stabilising our climate and protecting our common home.
We are inspired by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching set out by Pope Francis in the encyclical Laudato Si' and the teachings on care for the earth and one another found in the Scriptures.
Participants include CAFOD and Diocesan staff and volunteers, Laudato Si' Animators, clergy, parishioners, religious and activists. You are welcome to attend as a one-off or to participate regularly.
For more details or to be added to the mailing list please message Colette Joyce, Westminster Justice and Peace Co-ordinator, or call her on 07593 434 905
The Southern Dioceses are: Arundel & Brighton, Brentwood, Clifton, East Anglia, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Southwark and Westminster.
Southern Dioceses Environment Network: