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Kenya: Mission community celebrates founder's anniversary

  • Fr Angel Valdiva

Prayers by Fr Paco's grave

Prayers by Fr Paco's grave

A celebration took place in Turkana, northwest Kenya last Wednesday, to mark the tenth anniversary of the death of Fr Francisco Andreo (Paco) the much-loved founder of the Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostle (MCSPA)

Fr Paco died in Nariokotome mission after a long illness at the age of 71. His legacy remains behind with a community that is present in four African countries: Malawi, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya. The MCSPA is also present in Colombia, Mexico, Philippines and Germany.

Fr Paco touched the lives of many and invited many to leave everything behind and follow Christ and be compassionate as he was. The charism of Paco and the MCSPA was forged after many years working in Turkana, feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty and healing the sick.

The anniversary was attended by a huge crowd of people from everywhere. The Mass was presided by Rt Rev Dominic Kimengich, former bishop of Lodwar and now bishop of Eldoret.

We continue praying for Fr Paco's eternal rest as we ask for his intercession to continue being faithful to the charism of the MCSPA.


Fr Ángel Valdivia MCSPA

The MCSPA is supported by New Ways. If you would like to support their work see:


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