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Flame 2023: 'This is Church as you've never seen it before'

  • Jo Siedlecka

Cardinal Tagle at Flame Image: Mazur/ CBCEW

Cardinal Tagle at Flame Image: Mazur/ CBCEW

"Rise up" was the theme of the national Catholic youth gathering at OVO Wembley Arena in London on Saturday. It was organised by CYMFed, the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation, working with the Bishops Conference, which promotes youth ministry on a national level in the UK.

Flame was supported by volunteers and financially, by the Catenians, who had a stand at the event to encourage young Catholics to help others through their Make a Difference Bursary Fund.

Membership is made up of the Catholic dioceses of England and Wales plus religious orders, movements and organisations engaged in youth ministry.

Catenian GB President Roger Lillie said: "Flame is a fantastic event and something we have been part of for a long time. Catenians were delighted to be there and to meet so many Catholics who are passionate about their faith."

Cameras panned around the packed and colourful arena of around 8,000 school and confirmation groups, diocesan youth and young people with CAFOD, HCPT, Salesians, and others, many holding up lights from their mobile phones in the first gathering since 2019. Every diocese in England and Wales was represented, judging by the cheering during a diocesan roll call. Many groups had been travelling from the early hours and faced lengthy journeys home afterwards. However, enthusiastic exuberance filled the arena throughout.

A group from St Helen's in the north-west were amongst those that set out from around the country in the early hours but stayed engaged throughout the day, waving 'De La Salle' foam glow sticks throughout. A banner from John Henry Newman Catholic College was decorated with red and yellow 'hands' of service and Salesian scarves could be seen everywhere. Salesians, Catenians, Religious of the Assumption, Jesuits and CCLA Good Investment all helped fund the event, which was the first post-Covid.

Yet, there was complete silence as a statue of Our Lady of Walsingham was brought to the front at the start of the six-hour event. Pupils from St Angela's and St Bonaventure's schools in East London produced a piece of drama about the angel inspiring Mary to rise up and visit Elizabeth. A video showed such inspirational young people such as Amanda Gormon and Vanessa Nakate.

Musicians Guvna B, Adeniké and One Hope Project were much appreciated for their lively and participatory worship style. Adeniké is also a passionate youth leader at her local parish, Our Lady of the Crays Church in Orpington.

The vast audience listened attentively as various speakers spoke about angels in our world today and need to rise up and meet local and global challenges. Principal speaker Cardinal Luis Tagle (formerly Archbishop of Manila and now based at the Vatican) reminded that "rising up" has many aspects. He mentioned some of the "angels" that had inspired him during his life to "rise up" and serve God and his neighbour. He spoke of his grandmother, who supported her five children in widowhood after her husband had been killed in WWII. He suggested that God sends angels to all of us, in the form of key people we meet in the course of our lives. He urged us to be ready to recognise and respond to them, "rising up" in a spirit of service.

Pope Francis sent a message saying: "be known for prayer, pursuit of justice and common good, love for the poor and social friendship - and dare to be different". Ant and Dec had an equally loud cheer when they sent a video message wishing the gathering well and remembering Declan Donnelly's brother Fr Dermot Donnelly who was a huge supporter of CYMFED and "passionate about young people."

Further inspirational speakers included Archbishop Timothy Costelloe of Perth who urged the young people to be active in the Church and the world. "On the way home from Flame" he said: "ask, 'what do I need to do?" Robert Bilott, an attorney from the United States Cincinnati who stood up for communities injured by chemical poisoning said he knew that taking on the DuPont company was like David taking on Goliath but it was "the right thing to do". A clip of the film 'Dark Water' about his life was shown and there was cheering when youth recognised actors Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway - The Incredible Hulk and Catwomen!

CAFOD partner Jenny Garzón Saavedra from Colombia, talked about her work with youth and parish groups, helping communities learn about caring for creation Jenny has witnessed the Amazon being deforested to make room for cattle. She spoke of having hope and "I believe that God works miracles," but it is important for everyone "to hear the cry of the Earth and of the poor and to respond."

Interactive and exciting activities and exhibitions happened around the site during the Lunch Break run by CAFOD, HCPT, Columbans, Pax Christi SVP and others. Many young people took the opportunity to broadcast images and quotes on social media.

The day wound down with a quiet time of Adoration. Cardinal Vincent Nichols spoke of "how much we have to thank God for today - the music, testimonies and moments to treasure and draw encouragement." CYMFED chair, Fr Dominic Howarth, reflected that, "This is Church as you have never seen it before or been it before, but this is Church."



Catenian Bursary Fund:

See official pictures from the day:


Sisters of the Holy Cross

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