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Works on Instrumentum Laboris for Synodal Assembly 2023 underway

From 12 - 19 April, a group of experts from the five continents, who participated in various capacities in the synod process, are meeting at the General Secretariat of the Synod for a time of work and discernment on the Continental Stage and the seven final documents of the Continental Synodal Assemblies with the aim of starting the reflection that will lead at a later stage to the drafting of the Instrumentum Laboris, the working document for the first session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (Vatican City, 4-29 October 2023).

After prayers and the introductory session, the work will include a wide-ranging sharing on the Continental Stage as a whole and on the experience lived during the seven continental synodal assemblies (for more information see: . Subsequently, the Final Documents received by the General Secretariat of the Synod, the fruit of the communitarian discernment of the People of God, will be analysed in detail in order to highlight tensions and priorities to be studied in depth during the October assembly. The days will be marked by the daily celebration of the Eucharist and moments of personal and communal prayer.

The work will take place behind closed doors. At the end of the meeting, a press conference will be held on 20 April 2023. More information on this will be communicated directly by the Holy See Press Office.

The Final Documents published so far are available here:

List of participants

Cardinal Mario Grech
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich
HE Mgr Luis Marin de San Martín
Sr Nathalie Becquart
HE Mgr Timothy Costelloe
HE Mgr Lucio Andrice Muandula
HE Mgr Daniel Flores
Rev Mgr Pierangelo Sequeri
Rev Mgr Piero Coda
Rev Mgr Tomasz Trafny
Rev Father Giacomo Costa
Rev Dario Vitali
Rev Sr Shizue Hirota
Rev Giuseppe Bonfrate
Prof Myriam Wylens
Prof Anna Rowlands
Rev Pasquale Bua
Rev Sr Marie-Kolbe Zamora
Mr Paolo Foglizzo
Mr Thierry Bonaventura
Ms Susan Pascoe (online)
Mr Mauricio Lopez Oropeza (online)


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