Holy Land pilgrimage - Day Seven

Last day: Sunrise over Sea of Galilee - ICN/JS
Several of us got up early this morning - and saw the sunrise over the Sea of Galilee. After breakfast, we left to visit Cana, the town where Jesus performed his first miracle - turning water into wine at the wedding feast. In this little Franciscan church, Fr Charles celebrated our last Mass in a side chapel. Afterwards our married couples Fleur and Colin (married 52 years) and Ese and Obi (married eight months) renewed their marriage vows. Fr Charles gave a beautiful homily and prayed for the two couples. Read Fr Charle's homily here: www.indcatholicnews.com/news/46989
During the bidding prayers he also prayed for Sudan where he said "love has been thrown out of the window."
From here we visited the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, built at the site where, according to Catholic tradition, the Annunciation took place.
Many churches have stood on this site - The present basilica was designed by the Italian architect Giovanni Muzio, and built by the Israeli firm Solel Boneh during the years 1960-1969. It is a beautiful building which feels like a lived-in modern parish church - There are many striking colourful windows and images of Our Lady that have been donated from around the world from round the world.
After a delicious lunch - we went our different ways exploring the town and last minute shopping. Several of us found a shady spot under some trees near a cats' gathering place it seems - there were several sprawled out in the sun.
Our final pilgrim stop was Mount Tabor. We were dropped off at the bottom of the mountain and small buses took us on the zig zag route up to the top from where there were panoramic views. This is traditionally believed to be the site of the Transfiguration where Jesus brought the disciples Peter James and John .
'His face shone lie the sun and his clothes became dazzling white. Moses and Elijah appeared beside him and here Peter offered to put up three tents for them. A bright cloud enveloped them and a voice said: "This is my Son whom I love. With him I am well pleased. Listen to him." The disciples were terrified and fell to the ground. Jesus told them to get up and not be afraid. When they looked up they saw no one but Jesus.'
The current church, part of a Franciscan monastery complex, was completed in 1924. The architect was Antonio Barluzzi. It was built on the ruins of an ancient (4th-6th-century) Byzantine church and a 12th-century church of the Crusader Kingdom period.
There was a beautiful sunset as our group of 41 weary but happy pilgrims was driven towards Tel Aviv airport. We joined the queue with many Jewish families returning to London after the Passover holiday. Our guide stayed with us until we reached the departure gate. He could not have been more kind and helpful throughout our visit. Thanks to our wonderful guide and many thanks to our group leaders and Northern Star Travel for organising such a beautiful pilgrimage!