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COMECE appeal for peace on Europe Day

  • Alessandro Di Maio

On Europe Day, Tuesday 9 May 2023, the President of the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), HE Mgr Mariano Crociata, issued the following statement:

"Once again this year we commemorate Europe Day against the tragic background of a war on European soil that is inflicting upon people in Ukraine horrific physical, material as well as spiritual suffering.

The economic consequences of the war have been making the social conditions of our populations worse for more than a year now, with even more devastating effects on the weakest parts of society.

Seventy-three years on from Robert Schuman's Declaration, the need for unity and peace - authoritatively recalled by Pope Francis in his address to the COMECE Plenary Assembly on 23 March last - has become more urgent and excruciating than ever.

The circumstances that stand at the origins of the Union, born in the aftermath of a world war that had produced immense destruction and countless deaths, appear disturbingly topical and invite us to regain the reasons and the will to pursue European unity and peace with renewed determination.

COMECE, the voice of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union, wishes to be the interpreter of this commitment. It intends to contribute to it by forming consciences that are aware of and responsible for the times in which we live.

The Bishops of the EU see it as their task to encourage and collaborate to any effort made towards seeking unity by promoting the many ideal and material interests that bind together the peoples of the Union.

We urgently call for every effort to be made to overcome conflict, so as to achieve a just peace. These are indispensable prerequisites for the growth of all within the European Union and beyond its borders".



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