Young Polish cancer patients meet Pope Francis

Pope comforts the young patients
Source: Vatican News/Polonia
A group of Polish children with cancer received a message of hope and encouragement when they met Pope Francis today. During their audience in the Paul VI meeting room, the Pope reminded the 53 children from Wroclaw Oncologic Hospital that Jesus and Mary are always by their side.
"Jesus is always beside us to give us hope. Always, even in moments of illness, even in the most painful moments, even in the most difficult moments: the Lord is there!"
The Holy Father acknowledged the difficulties of living with and overcoming illness. "How many times in life do we find ourselves in the situation of not having the strength to carry on.... But, Jesus is always nearby, and he tells you: 'Go, go forward! I am with you'".
Pope Francis further encouraged them to be apostles of God's love in the Church and in the world. "Jesus also needs you for this testimony", he said.
The Pope concluded his brief address by reminding them that when we find ourselves alone and feel abandoned, Mary is always close to us, especially when we carry the weight of disease with all its problems. "Mary is always there, next to us, with her maternal tenderness", he said.