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Tour de Woking

Photo by Mark Stosberg on Unsplash

Photo by Mark Stosberg on Unsplash

The Tour de France begins on 1st July. As part of their LiveSimply actions, one parish in Surrey is encouraging people to cycle or walk to Mass throughout the summer months.

Under the headline: St Dunstan's Active Parish Weekend' - the LiveSimply team write in the parish newsletter: "..You could walk, cycle, scooter and help to reduce our Parish impact on local pollution, energy usage and traffic problems. Or perhaps you could link up with a friend or neighbour and share the car ride.

"To kick start this aim, we will be holding an Active Transport to Mass weekend this weekend (24/25th June) and would encourage all families and individuals who are physically able, to leave the car at home and allow time to get to church some other way! On that weekend, we would ask you to engage in a survey to find out how many have managed to travel in a more sustainable way (no names will be asked for!)

We hope to encourage you to use the finer weather to continue this greener travel over the summer months."

(Many thanks to Canon Rob Esdaile, parish priest at for telling us about this. )


St Dunstan's, Woking:


Sisters of the Holy Cross

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