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LGBT+ Catholics Westminster at London Pride

More than 30 people from LGBT+ Catholics Westminster took part in London's Pride Parade on Saturday. They handed out thousands of cards and carried banners with these messages: Jesus loves ALL his children; Proud to be LGBT+ & Catholic; Proud to be Bisexual & Catholic; Proud to be Trans & Catholic; God loves you just the way you are. The last of these were words of Pope Francis addressed to a gay man.

LGBT+ Catholics Westminster was the only faith-based Information & Outreach Stall in Soho Square's Community Market Place, where they gave out hundreds of cards, badges, and other information. The stall also displayed photos of LGBT+ Catholics 2019 Rome Pilgrimage Group meeting Pope Francis in St Peter's Square. Visitors to the stall included others involved in LGBT+ ministry in New York City and San Francisco, as well as Colombian, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Filipino, and Russian visitors.

LGBT+ Catholics Westminster held a Pre-Pride Mass on 17 June, followed by a discussion about the current Uganda legislation which includes the death penalty as well as up to five years imprisonment for anyone, including priests, healthcare workers, counsellors, and others, who fail to notify the authorities is they know or suspect someone is LGBT+.


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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