Caritas Bishop asks Catholics to write to MPs about safe routes for asylum seekers

Syrian refugees. Image: COMECE
Bishop Terence Drainey, Chair of Caritas Social Action Network, has urged Catholics to make their voices heard on the Illegal Migration Bill that will now become law. Bishop Drainey, with the Charity's CEO, Raymond Friel OBE, made the following statement on Thursday, 18 July:
We at Caritas Social Action Network are deeply concerned that the Illegal Migration Bill will now become law after a series of votes in the House of Lords did not succeed in securing modern slavery protections or limits to the detention of children.
In our previous statement, in March 2023, we urged the Catholic community to speak out against this "cruel and unworkable Bill which is an affront to human dignity and a breach of our responsibilities to the global common good and our obligations under international law."
Earlier this year, the Department for International Affairs of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales published 'Love the Stranger', a Catholic response to refugees and migrants.
You can find the document in full at:
Following this, CSAN published a 'Call to Action', with suggestions of how the Catholic community might respond practically to the plight of refugees and migrants. Read the document at:
Bishop Paul McAleenan, responding to the news that the Bill would now become law, said: "This legislation stands at odds with the teaching of the Church on welcoming protecting, promoting and integrating refugees."
Bishop Terence Drainey, the Chair of Caritas Social Action Network, said:
"We call upon the Catholic community to speak out against this cruel Bill and write to their MPs urging them to work to expand safe routes for those seeking asylum."
You can contact your MP here:
Please write to them to express your opposition to the Illegal Migration Bill which is at odds with the teaching of the Catholic Church and urge them to work for more humane and workable policy solutions which respect the dignity and rights of migrating people.
Bishop Terence Drainey
Chair, Caritas Social Action Network
Raymond Friel OBE
Chief Executive Officer, Caritas Social Action Network