Catechesis at WYD with Bishop Alan Williams

Bishop Alan Williams, Credit: CBCEW
Source: CBCEW
In a morning catechesis held in Fatima, Lisbon, Bishop Alan Williams of Brentwood emphasised the importance of pilgrimage, penance and procession for World Youth Day.
On the morning of Tuesday 2 August, the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service and Westminster Youth Ministry spent time with Bishop Alan Williams in Fatima, Portugal. The Bishop spoke to the young people about the importance of pilgrimage as a precious opportunity for prayer, penance (with the emphasis on mercy), procession (the youth will be part of the Fatima shrine Marian torchlight) and - for World Youth Day - their Pope.
He spoke about Mary as a "juggler", which is a word used to describe her in scripture. It is a significant word, evoking both action and balance, many tasks and an interior stillness. Bishop Alan spoke on the interior freedom of Mary The World Youth Day theme is "Mary arose and went with haste." Mary was able to say a perfect and eternal yes to God, and also had the pastoral heart to respond to her cousin's need. Mary holds both stillness and action.
And Mary notices; she notices when the wine runs out at Cana, she listens and she ponders. This week in Fatima, Mary will notice each of the pilgrims, personally and above all she wants the pilgrims to notice her son, Jesus.
During the catechesis session, there was time for the youth to ask Bishop Alan questions. Questions asked included, "what brought you back to Mass after three years?" to which the Bishop answered, "The short answer - friends." How do you juggle things as a Bishop? to which the Bishop spoke about his Spiritual Director, and his prayer life, as his anchor. Other questions were: "What is your confirmation name?", "Why do we reverence Mary?", "How do we encounter other young people not only socially but prayerfully?", "How does your service as a Marist priest inform your life as a Bishop?", and, "For those who have gone through bereavement or dark times, how do you help them to see God is still with them?"
The Bishop shared both personally and pastorally. There were many beautiful truths to take from his words, summarised through the inspiration of a Marist Saint - Marcellin Champagnat - friendship, respect, faith and listening. The catechesis was followed by a shared celebration of Mass, with a focus on St Peter Julian Eymard, a Saint whose feast was on the same day.