Leicestershire: St Mary's Bosworth celebrates 150th anniversary

St Mary's Catholic Church in Husbands, Bosworth celebrated its 150th Anniversary in style last weekend Festival of Flowers, Concert and a special Mass at which it was announced that St Mary's is to be firmly established as a Parish Church.
Many visitors came to see the arrangements which had been provided by a large number of local groups and individuals from all the local villages. On Saturday evening it was a full house for a concert by Mila who is a finalist in BBC Chorister of the Year.
On Sunday Mgr Keith Newton celebrated Mass with a full church and wore the same vestments that the Bishop wore 150 years ago at the very first service. These are now kept in special conditions and only used on very important occasions. During the Mass, Mgr Newton announced the plans to establish St Mary's as a parish Church which will give the community a firm foundation for the future. At present the Church is a private chapel but being given Parish Status is a recognition of the growth which has taken place and the strength of the community at St Mary's.
Special thanks were given to Mr and Mrs Constable Maxwell of Bosworth Hall who have worked tirelessly throughout the years to keep the church open for the community and who have always offered a warm welcome to all who visit the Church.
St Mary's, Husbands, Bosworth: https://husbandsbosworthcatholic.org.uk/church-building/