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Multi-faith gathering for book launch at London Jesuit Centre

  • Ellen Teague

Archbishop Kevin McDonald, Er Yazad T Bhadha (Zoroastrian priest) and Bishop Nicholas Hudson

Archbishop Kevin McDonald, Er Yazad T Bhadha (Zoroastrian priest) and Bishop Nicholas Hudson

As a tribute to Brother Daniel Faivre SG and to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Westminster Interfaith, his book 'Transcendence' has been reprinted in a new edition and it was launched on 5 September in Central London. Around 60 people of different faith traditions gathered for a prayerful celebration at the London Jesuit Centre joined by others engaged in inter-faith dialogue, along with representatives of Westminster Justice and Peace Commission and Pax Christi England and Wales.

The Executive Director of Interfaith Network UK, Dr Harriet Crabtree, was there, and former directors of Westminster Interfaith Alfred Agius and Jon Dal Din. Their colleague Sr Elizabeth O'Donohoe described the gathering as having "the feeling of a family of faiths".

They heard Fr Michael Barnes SJ talk about how the book was written in Southall, a multifaith suburb of London, where Brother Daniel lived for 28 years. A French member of the Brothers of St Gabriel, he had formerly worked in Thailand, teaching mostly Buddhists in Catholic schools, influencing the course of his later life. He founded Westminster Interfaith in 1981 and was an inspirational promoter of interfaith dialogue. The annual Multi-Faith Pilgrimage has brought together people of various faiths over the years to visit places of worship, enjoy hospitality and pray together. Fr Michael described the journey of faith as being open "to engaging in listening to broad insights".

Bishop Nicholas Hudson, who has oversight of Westminster Interfaith, said: "I envy those of you who knew Brother Daniel for he was clearly a prophetic figure." And he introduced James Holland as the new Coordinator for Westminster Interfaith.

Prayers taken from 'Trancendence' were chanted or spoken by various faiths. They opened with a chant by Buddhist Rev Nagase from the Battersea Peace Pagoda and continued with Baha'i, Jain, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu and Zoroastrian texts. Representing Christianity, Archbishop Emeritus of Southwark Kevin McDonald said, "we should all be confident in this interfaith work" and he read a 'Prayer for our Earth' from the Laudato Si' encyclical of Pope Francis.

Then all present said an Act of Commitment, promising to work together for the common good "in a spirit of friendship and cooperation." It was pointed out that Laudato Si' outreach is often linked with interfaith groups undertaking social and environmental action, such as the Faith for the Climate Network. Discussions continued over a tasty vegetarian lunch preceded by a Sikh prayer before the meal.

Westminster Interfaith's publication of 'Transcendence' brings together Sacred Scripture, writings and poems from a range of religious, cultural and spiritual traditions to create a very useful resource exploring 12 themes from an interfaith perspective. Of these, two of them - Creation and One Earth - offer timely reflections on our present ecological crisis. Readers are enabled to go deeper into exploring aspects of God, the Divine, Spirituality, drawing on a wide range of carefully selected texts. Each text starts with a brief introduction and there is also a helpful glossary at the back to aid understanding and help make the book accessible and usable by both the expert and the novice.

Brother Daniel devoted most of his life to building bridges between the different faiths and at the Memorial Service after his death in 2007, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor called him a pioneer and a prophetic figure in the work of interfaith relations. An introductory essay in the new book by Prof Michael Barnes SJ explains how transcendence-related notions like Inspiration, Faith and the Sacred are understood in the different world religions. Also helpful, is his statement that, "no one may put an arbitrary limit on the extent of the Spirit of God… the Church serves the Spirit, not the other way round."

This expanded edition of Transcendence will introduce a new audience to the work of Brother Daniel Faivre and to Westminster Interfaith.

Copies of 'Transcendence' are available from:


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