Peace on earth? Pope St John XXIII's letter 60 years on

On the 60th anniversary of Pope St John XXIII's encyclical letter Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth), Pax Christi and CAFOD held a joint webinar with Aisling Griffin (Pax Christi, Education) and Francis Stewart (CAFOD, Theology) in conversation about peace in our world today. Aisling and Francis paused to take stock of the history of peace and war since 1963 through the eyes of faith and to contemplate the hope we find in those who stand up for peace. Many who work actively for peace in various contexts joined for the discussion in break-out rooms that followed.
Jesus said: "blessed are the peacemakers." Yet human beings have witnessed, and continue to witness, widespread violence on a daily basis. Today, Pope Francis refers to "a third word war fought piecemeal."
On 21st September, the international Day of Peace, we share this recording of Aisling's and Francis' input.
The conversation helped to affirm the common values of Pax Christi and CAFOD as sister agencies inspired by Catholic social thought and practise and we hope for further collaboration in the future.
Watch the video here: