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SPICMA building roofs in Pakistan

Family with roofing materials - ready to put on their new mudbrick house

Family with roofing materials - ready to put on their new mudbrick house

Source: SPICMA

Much news from Pakistan has been tragic and shocking for a long time. Serious flooding caused major problems for the poorest communities last year and again in recent months. Restrictive labour practices mean the outcasts of society (mainly Hindu) have little hope of escaping virtual serfdom. Lately there have been deadly attacks on Christian communities, with both their homes and churches targeted. The problems seem insurmountable.

Sometimes the scale of need can be overwhelming. Faced with such big problems it's easy to think 'What on earth can we do to help? Surely it's impossible?' While some large charities try to tackle the issues at national level, smaller organisations such as SPICMA are able to provide practical help at the grassroots.

We can't go into details about our work in Pakistan because there is persecution and it's unfortunately dangerous for the missionaries and workers if we identify them. However, SPICMA is quietly working to help people rebuild their lives in the face of natural disasters, persecution and poverty. With unfailing help from our supporters we have provided funds to missionaries in the south of the country following last year's floods. Initially these funds were used to provide food and mosquito nets. More recently, we have turned to providing iron girders, bamboo rafters, roof matting and sheet plastic.

These roofing materials will help families complete the basic shelters they had built after the floods. There's an interesting video at SPICMA Pakistan Roofing Project that shows how they make the most of what they have to hand. A small contribution from SPICMA enables families to get on with rebuilding their lives.

There is always a way to make a difference. SPICMA is a small charity, entirely run by volunteers. We try to help the people who fall between the cracks left by the huge international charities that operate on a major scale. The smallest donation to one of our appeals can have a direct effect on the lives of people struggling against seemingly overwhelming problems. Visit our website at to learn more about our work in Pakistan and around the world.


SPICMA Pakistan Roofing Project:



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