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Thomas Merton and the Transformative Power of Love

Sophronia Scott will be leading a Retreat Day on Thomas Merton and the Transformative Power of Love on Saturday, 30 September from 10.30am to 4pm, at the Meditatio Centre - in person and online.

Thomas Merton who lived as a contemplative monk studying, writing, and praying was also a man who could be impatient, rambunctious, charming, deceptive, in pain and, yes, in love. In other words, he was completely human and in the vulnerability of that messy humanity he most felt the grace of God. Merton came to understand that when we can express ourselves as beloved children of God, we acquire a wholeness that allows us to bring the best of who we are into the world. How do we make this connection and sense God's love for us? How do earthly and spiritual love fit together? We will consider these questions during our time together.

Click HERE to register to attend in person or online.

Sophfronia Scott is a novelist, essayist and contemplative thinker. Her book: 'The Seeker and the Monk: Everyday Conversations with Thomas Merton' won the 'Louie' award from the International Thomas Merton Society. Sophronia has taught widely in Creative Non-Fiction on graduate and MFA programmes in the US.


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