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Westminster J&P October newsletter

  • Colette Joyce

Bishop Nicholas Hudson signs 'Salina's Letter'

Bishop Nicholas Hudson signs 'Salina's Letter'

Colette Joyce, Co-ordinator, with the Diocese of Westminster Justice and Peace Commission writes:

Celebrating the Season of Creation

A whole host of activities have taken place around the Diocese this month, including an outdoor ecumenical service for Farm Street Church and Grosvenor Chapel; a litter pick around Our Lady of Fatima parish, White City; weekly themed flower arrangements featuring the 'river of justice and peace' at St Peter and Paul, Northfields; an Uxbridge parish trip to Church Gardens, Harefield; and a Justice & Peace outing to the 'Plants of Qur'an' exhibition in Kew Gardens.

CAFOD 'Fix the Food System' Campaign

In addition, some 43 Westminster parishes plus the staff at Vaughan House signed the most recent CAFOD 'Fix the Food System' campaign over the course of the summer - 'Salina's letter' to the World Bank, calling for the rights of farmers to be protected to preserve and trade their own seed. This represents around 8,180 signatures. Thank you to everyone!

Laudate Deum and the Synod

During the month, Pope Francis announced that he has written 'Laudato Si' Part 2', a follow-up to his 2015 encyclical. The Apostolic Exhortation 'Laudate Deum' will be launched on 4th October (details below) to close the Season of Creation, significantly placing the care of creation and concern for the poor, themes central to the life of St Francis, at the heart of the Synod in Rome which opens on the same day. We will be reflecting on all these developments over the course of the coming months.

New Commission Members

A very warm welcome to Richard Harries, the new Director of Caritas Westminster, and to Beata Rozycka, recently appointed as CAFOD Westminster Community Participation Co-ordinator, who are joining the Westminster Justice and Peace Commission as representatives of Caritas and CAFOD respectively. We look forward to working closely with Richard and Beata on justice at home and abroad and benefitting from their insights and experience. All best wishes in your new roles!

The newsletter also contains three pages of Diary Dates detailing unmissable events on these and other themes of justice and peace to share with your parishioners, friends and colleagues. Read the newsletter through the link below:


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