Scotland: Bishop and Moderator join campaigners to challenge poverty

Timothy Schmalz' Homeless Jesus
Source: SCMO
The Bishop of Paisley, Bishop John Keenan and the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Rt Rev Sally Foster Fulton, will join Justice and Peace members from across Scotland on Thursday 5th October, 2023 at the Conforti Centre in Coatbridge for an event titled: Faith, Compassion and Security - A Challenge Poverty Week Event.
"Faith, Compassion and Security" will be jointly hosted by the Xaverian Missionaries Conforti Centre and Church of Scotland Priority Areas. The theme of the event is to learn about a Minimum Income Guarantee as a tool to combat poverty and discuss in a Christian context how this may be achieved.
Speaking ahead of the event, Bishop John Keenan said: "The first Challenge Poverty Week was launched by the Poverty Alliance in 2013, it highlights the injustice of poverty in Scotland, and shows that collective action based on justice and compassion can create solutions. It is an opportunity for individuals to raise their voices against poverty and unite with others in calling for a just and equal Scotland. I am heartened to be able to participate in these conversations, to lead worship together with Catholics and Reformed Christians active in anti-poverty work across Scotland."
Commenting on the initiative, Director of Programmes and Partnerships for the Xaverian Missionaries Hugh Foy said: "This campaign seeks to return human dignity to the heart of political decision making. These issues transcend party politics, they define who we are as a society. A minimum income guarantee secures a healthy standard of living for all, and allows it to be sustained as a fundamental requirement of all governments in the future"
Faith, Compassion and Security - A Challenge Poverty Week Event takes place on Thursday 5th October 2023 from 10am to 3pm.
at the Conforti Centre, Calder Av, Coatbridge ML5 4JS.
Challenge Poverty Week will run from 2nd - 8th October this year and is organised by The Poverty Alliance, an organisation which Justice and Peace Scotland are members of The Poverty Alliance are working to raise awareness of and campaign for a Minimum Income Guarantee in Scotland and Justice and Peace Scotland endorse this campaign.
The National Commission for Justice and Peace advises the Scottish Bishops' Conference of the Catholic Church in matters of social justice, peacebuilding, promoting care for creation and human rights, supporting the Catholic community to live the values of the Gospel in service to the poor and marginalised.
Justice and Peace Scotland: