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London: Passion Play for Gaza

Indefatigable Palestinian Justice and Peace activist and inspired man of the theatre Justin Butcher brings back his deeply moving Devil's Passion this week to raise funds for the work of the Amos Trust in Gaza.

Justin writes: "A few years ago, I attempted to write a play drawing together my fascination with the Passion story with my involvement for many years in the Palestinian people's struggle for freedom, justice and equality in the Holy Land. The result was The Devil's Passion - a play set in an occupied Palestine, and told by the devil.

Part espionage thriller, part satire, part poetic meditation - Homeland meets Mistero Buffo meets Dante's Inferno. A 'Holy Land' characterised by harsh divisions, barriers, walls, alienation - between hated Roman occupier and indigenous peoples, between Jew and Samaritan, clean and unclean, slave and free, 'righteous' and 'sinner' - a state of affairs which the diabolical narrator finds entirely satisfactory.

Until, right from the heart of this suffocating, intractable scenario, the Passion story erupts. A radical, transgressive story of love transcending fear and hatred, of non-violence in the face of oppression, hope breaking down barriers, the victory of vulnerability.

For some reason or other, I decided to dust off the play for a run at this year's Edinburgh Fringe, this time augmented by a beautiful new set, lighting and video design. The show was well received in Edinburgh, with a number of touring invitations from promoters, including the Playground Theatre in west London, currently hosting a season of hit shows from this year's Fringe; as part of this season, The Devil's Passion will play from Tuesday 31st October - Saturday 4th November."

I'm pleased to offer subscribers to my mailing list a special ticket offer: use the code Passion10 when purchasing tickets to access your 15% discount offer.

Against the backdrop of the tragic events unfolding in Israel-Palestine, the play's setting and themes could not be more topical. I offer it humbly, as a story which embraces both tragedy and hope. Our opening night, 31st October, is All Hallows' Eve (Hallowe'en), el día de los muertos, when traditionally we honour the dead. This ushers in the season of remembrance, the month of the dead.

I will donate my share of the box office for this run and all proceeds from merchandise sales to the Amos Trust Emergency Appeal for Gaza.


View trailer:

The Playground Theatre:

Amos Trust Appeal for Gaza:

Justin Butcher - The Devil's Passion:



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