NW NJPN November E Bulletins

There are two bulletins for the month of November:
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin first November issue
The escalating conflict in the Holy Land dominates the first November issue of the NW NJPN E Bulletin with opinion pieces from regular contributor Jon Kuhrt as well as Daniel Barenboim, founder of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra which seeks to build a bridge between Israelis and Palestinians through music and dialogue. Pax Christi Chair Ann Farr shares prayers from many faith traditions used in a moving vigil for peace and reconciliation which took place in Coventry Cathedral last week and Heather Kiernan offers words of hope from renowned Palestinian poet Fadwa Tuqan.
Other items include CAFOD news From Lancaster diocese plus a focus on the forthcoming COP 28 with an opinion piece from Ian Linden. UK news features a joint appeal from The Catholic Union and Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) to the Chancellor to consider changes to the benefit system to help families with the cost of living in the forthcoming Autumn Statement and Housing Justice announce the retirement next April of CEO Kathy Mohan after seven years of inspirational leadership. Clare Dixon, co-chair of the Archbishop Romero Trust, former Head of Region - Latin America at CAFOD pays tribute to Michael Campbell-Johnston SJ, founder of the Jesuit Refugee Service who has died.
See: www.justice-and-peace.org.uk/njpn-north-west/nw-njpn-e-bulletin-november-2023/
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin Mid November 2023
Despite the dark days that dominate the headlines at present the Mid November NW NJPN E Bulletin contains many signs of hope: in a letter for World Youth Day (26 November), Pope Francis describes youth as a time of "hopes and dreams"; Green Christian's Annual Members Meeting reports a fruitful and wide-ranging discussion on finding hope; the Archbishop of Dublin finds hope in last month's Synod; a fascinating conversation between actors Adrian Lester and Meera Syal, videoed during lockdown, discuss how sharing stories gives hope for understanding between different groups; reviewing Ken Loach's latest film, The Old Oak, Fr Chris Hughes describes how the Tyne and Wear Citizens alliance of about 35 institutions including mosques, schools, charities, community groups, a universities, churches and trade unions allows shared concerns and hope to be located across diverse groups of people.
The bulletin leads with poems, prayers and articles on the conflict in the Holy Land as well as issues closer to home: a call for urgent government action on the poverty that affects children, the elderly and disabled and homeless people; and Ian Linden's latest blog looks at the impact of the Supreme Court's ruling against the Rwanda plan. Jesuit Refugee Service give details of a Christmas Greetings Card campaign and PACT has news of Advent carol services for prisoners and their families.
I have produced a series of weekly Advent reflections on the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love for individual or group use - you can download these using the link on page 17.
As we approach Advent and the Christmas season let us pray for peace in our hearts, in our communities and in our world.
See: www.justice-and-peace.org.uk/njpn-north-west/nw-njpn-justice-and-peace-e-bulletin-mid-november-2023/