Israel: 'Peace With Justice' Interfaith conference at Mar Elias Educational Institution

Mar Elias - A school for all God's children
'Peace With Justice' - an Interfaith Conference hosted by Archbishop Emeritus Dr Elias Chacour Of Acre, Haifa, Nazareth and all Galilee will take place at the Mar Elias Educational Institutions on 18th December 2023.
Archbishop Chacour was asked by the Israeli Department of the Interior, Religious Affairs Section, Christianity of the Israeli government to host this conference, because the outstanding work he has done at Mar Elias Educational Institutions and worldwide in promoting peace with justice on a practical as well as theological level.
On being asked by the government team working on this conference he was asked if he would prefer not to have Jews present, the Archbishop said: "Of course, I want them present, we have to know what they are thinking. To progress in peace making with justice it is imperative to listen to all sides involved."
All are invited, Jews Christians, Muslims and Druze. It is an open meeting to the staff, students and general public, whoever feels affected by the current lack of peace and justice.
As well as invited speakers there will the opportunity for participation by attendees to exchange ideas and put questions forward. Guests will also be encouraged to visit classrooms and talk with students from the top grades in the school and also 85 teachers to see the practical work towards peace going on there. Archbishop Chacour will encourage participants not to generalise about different religious groups of people, whatever their religion, although the behaviour of some individuals is "unbearable".
If you wish to contribute to the peace work of Archbishop Chacour, cheques can be made payable to Ashray and sent to Ashray, Lyngarth, Front Street, Rothbury, Northumberland, NE65 7UU. Ashray is registered with HMRC for Gift Aid and forms are available at - or by post from the above address.
Mar Elias Educational Institutions:
ASHRAY (The UK Charity Supporting the Peace Building Initiatives Founded by Archbishop Elias Chacour):