The 'O' Antiphons for Gaza - King of Nations

Air vault St Pierre, Creation of Adam and Eve
Oh King of the Nations
Oh King of the nations, and their desire
The cornerstone making both one:
Come and save the human race
Which you fashioned from clay.
Oh Christ always our cornerstone
Guiding us always
In building our communities
And of the Kingdom that is coming
Save us from the factions the destroy our unity
Help us see in each other
Oh King of the Nations
Oh King off the nations, and their desire
The cornerstone making both one:
Come and save the humane ra. De,
Which you fashioned from clay.
Oh Christ always our cornerstone
Guiding us always
In building our communities
Ands of the Kingdom that is coming
Save us from the factions the destroy our unit
The same heart, soul mind and love
That You see. For as had been said
Despite our colour, race, gender or position
Do we not hurt if attacked, bleed if cut
Laugh as each one of us does?
I I am the dame inside
The very star dust of Adam
Makes me as it does all life
Created by by the Most High
To be part of a rich and diverse world
But in essence
The very same as each each human
As the least of my brothers and sisters.
That is what you have said will be out judgment
To see if we have recognised
All as part of out own!
W desire peace, an end got ear.
A respect for the dignity of each other
And the living world handled got our care. .
Oh Christ desire of the nations,
Unknown by many
Yet ever present through Your disciples!
Come now O king of the nations
Bring to us Your rule of love and everlasting peace.