The 'O' Antiphons for Gaza: O Emmanuel

Autun St Lazare Flight Into Egypt
23 December
O Emmanuel
O Emmanuel our king and our lawgiver
The hope of the nations and their Saviours
Come and save us, O Lord our God
Autumn St Lazare Flight into Egypt
O Emmanuel
Holy One now come amongst us
Top cast the lot of God with humanity
And dwell as one of us
Hidden in the life of each and everyone
Until that glorious day when we return to the kingdom.
O everlasting dawn
True light that never sets.
O Christ our Sun our Morning Star
Radiant in brightness
Through all the nights of pain and sorrow
Save us from ourselves
Heal the wounds we inflict
Shatter the swords of the mighty ones
Pull down the false lawgivers
Cast out the princes and rulers from their seats of power
Not for vengeance
but for humility and love
That we may find the equality of all
As one in You.
Yet rich in difference
Emmanuel lawgiver
Turn our world upside down
And save us
Christ our true God