Justice and Peace in West London parishes

l-r: Hilda McCafferty, Colette Joyce and Father Richard Nesbitt in White City
Sixteen people from 12 parishes in West London met online on 27 January to feedback on their local outreach work. Parishes included White City, Ealing Abbey, Hanwell, Feltham and Pinner. Participants included Colette Joyce, the Westminster Justice and Peace Coordinator, and Sr Silvana Dallangra of Caritas Westminster.
The West London Justice and Peace Network held its first meeting of 2024 on a very appropriate weekend. All parishes were expected to mark both Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January) and Racial Justice Sunday (28 January).
The participants shared information about the efforts undertaken to mark both of these events at parish level - with Bidding Prayers, items in parish newsletters, and more active efforts to improve the diversity of the imagery in their churches and so on. Concern was however expressed at the lack of advance planning so that resources for Racial Justice Sunday arrived too late for parishes to be very active in using them.
Opposition to racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia is our duty as Catholics but how do we best do this? We can examine our own consciences, and we can pray, but in the current tragic circumstances of the Holy Land, what action should we be taking to make their witness more effective?
Some parishes have raised money; others have introduced special prayer events; and the network talked of additional measures to be pursued. We could, for example, be protesting the UK's involvement in arms sales, drawing attention to the recent ruling of the International Court of Justice, and building stronger alliances with other Christians, Jews and Muslims in calling for peace throughout the region. It was pointed out that there has been a Christian presence at each 'Ceasefore Now' London protest march since last October.
And, if we cannot do everything, let's at least start to do something. The great quote from St Oscar Romero comes to mind when motivating ourselves to act when everything looks bleak: "We plant the seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produces far beyond our capabilities".
As ever, the network meeting had lots to report about parish activities relating to poverty in our own communities; promoting environmental justice; and the importance of addressing long term development. Thus, the network heard from parishes from across west London that are building community at local level - with their work with night shelters, foodbanks, and warm hubs; their activism around the Big Garden Birdwatch, Laudato Si events, climate justice campaigns; and their sustained work on international development (thanks to CAFOD). Following up the synodal process at parish level is also a priority and will take up some of their efforts in coming weeks and months.
At all of these gatherings, the network explores how to make justice and peace an activity for the whole parish (rather than a few campaigners) - how do we build it into our liturgy (with Holy Hours, prayer cards distribution etc) and use parish newsletters more effectively to communicate J&P news. How do we communicate most effectively with all our parishioners and engage them in the work and how do we involve our young people more consistently in promoting the 'best hidden secret' of Catholic Social Teaching.
Westminster Justice & Peace: https://westminsterjusticeandpeace.org/