Launch of Archbishop Wilson's book on Vatican II

Image: Archdiocese of Southwark
A new book by Archbishop John Wilson on Vatican II is due to be officially launched at events in Liverpool on the 22 February and in London on the 6 March. Archbishop John will be present on both days.
The Second Vatican Council was a landmark event for the Catholic Church shaping its relationship with the world. The impact of Vatican II continues to be a hot topic within the Catholic Church and while many have heard of the Council, few understand what actually happened and its consequences for the Church.
To help people engage with the legacy of Vatican II and what it means for Catholic faith and life, as well as the Church's relationship with the wider world, the Roman Catholic Archbishop for Southwark, John Wilson, has written a short introduction covering the key themes.
The book, Pondering and Praying Vatican II, has been written for easy access, meaning it is perfect for those who want to understand more about this crucial moment in the Catholic Church's history, but are unsure where to start.
The book offers an introduction to the four key Constitutions of Vatican II, providing an overview of their themes helping the readers to grasp the Council's key developments.
The Most Reverent John Wilson, Catholic Archbishop of Southwark said: "Vatican II was a ground-breaking event in our Church's history and in many ways transformed the way the Church interacts with the wider world.
"Beyond the headlines, few have actually read or considered the documents produced, let alone the important themes of the Council. But the documents and the themes are a rich treasure, and can teach us much about our faith in Christ and the Church's place and mission in our contemporary world.
"I hope this little book will help people engage more fully with Vatican II, assisting readers to ask themselves what the teaching of Vatican II might mean for them and how they might pray in light of it."
The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) was held from 1962 to 1965. It was the 21st ecumenical council of the Catholic Church - which is a gathering of bishops and other Church leaders to discuss pertinent issues in the Catholic faith. The Council was convened by Pope John XXIII, with the purpose of looking at modernising the Church, especially its engagement with the modern world.
Various changes were made to the Catholic Church as a result of the Council, including Mass being celebrated in local languages and increased dialogue and collaboration with other Christian denominations.
Archbishop John Wilson is a passionate communicator of the Catholic faith. He was part of the representation from England and Wales which attended the recent Synod on Synodality in Rome, convened by Pope Francis, which once again considered the Catholic Church's place in the modern world.
The four themes the book considers are:
· Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium)
· Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium)
· Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum)
· Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes)
For more information on the book launches Liverpool on the 22 February and in London on the 6 March, with Archbishop John present at both, see:
The book is available to purchase now through Pauline UK: