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Twickenham RFU Stadium: Protest against arms fair

  • Kirsten Bayes

Photo by Billy Brodzinski on Unsplash

Photo by Billy Brodzinski on Unsplash

Source: CAAT

A second arms fair is coming to Twickenham Rugby Football Union Stadium next week. International Military Helicopters 2024 is sponsored by arms companies Leonardo, Lockheed Martin (Sikorsky) and Boeing among others, and is expected to have hundreds of delegates. Equipment from these companies is currently being used by Israeli forces against Palestinians in Gaza, including targeting systems (Leonardo) and warplanes (Boeing, Lockheed Martin).

Richmond and Kingston Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (PSC) supported by local Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) campaigners will be saying no to this deadly fair. Join their protest on 27 February from 1.30-4pm outside the Rugby Stadium in Twickenham.

The campaigners say: "The military helicopters fair will be attended by arms dealers and military representatives of countries with dubious human rights records. Say NO to war".

More information and last minute updates can be found on the CAAT Events page


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