Engaging with the Synod Synthesis Report: A Parish Resource

Source: School for Synodality
The School for Synodality has created a resource to support parish engagement with the Synthesis Report from the October 2023 Synod Assembly, breaking down the report into more manageable chunks with suggested questions for parish communities to reflect upon.
Throughout the process Cardinal Grech has emphasized the importance of fostering a continuous dialogue between the local Church and the synodal process throughout its many phases. The Synod secretariat has consistently encouraged parishes and dioceses to actively participate in each stage of the ongoing synodal journey.
In support of this effort, the School for Synodality, dedicated to promoting synodal practices at the grassroots level, has developed a resource aimed at facilitating parish engagement with the Synthesis Report of the October 2023 Synod Assembly held in Rome.
Crafted to reflect the extensive discussions held during the Rome Assembly, the Synthesis Report serves as an accurate representation of the synodal dialogue. However, unlike other documents, it may require a little more guidance for effective engagement at the local Church level.
To assist parishes in this endeavour, the School for Synodality has designed a structured process spanning three evenings. Parishes can select three themes from the document that are most pertinent to their pastoral ministry and use the provided questions to guide communal discernment during these sessions.
The resource can be found on the School for Synodality resource page here: www.schoolforsynodality.org.uk/resources