London: St David's Day Mass - Offeren Dydd Gwyl Dewi, Llundain
Dethlir Offeren Gymraeg Dydd Gŵyl Dewi eleni yng Nghapel Ysbyty St Thomas (Llundain). Lleoliad: Y Capel, Llawr 1af, Adain Ddeheuol, Ysbyty St Thomas, Heol Pont San Steffan (Westminster Bridge Rd), Llundain, SE1 7EH. Dyddiad ac Amser: Dydd Gwener 1af o Fawrth and 5.30yh. Bydd côr bychain o nyrsys, dan arweiniad nyrs o Gymru, yn canu emynau Cymraeg! Croeso i bawb!
A Mass in Welsh for St David's Day will be celebrated this year in St Thomas' Hospital Chapel, on the first Floor South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Rd, London, SE1 7EH, on Friday 1st March at 5.30pm.
A small choir of nurses, under the direction of a nurse from Wales, will sing Welsh hymns! All welcome!
I gyrraedd y capel, cymerwch lifft Adain y Gogledd i'r llawr cyntaf, a cherddwch i wrthwyneb yr Adran Endosgopi. Fel arall, cerddwch i fyny'r grisiau yn yr atriwm canolog (rhwng Adain y Gogledd a'r Adain Ddeheuol.)
To reach the chapel, take the North Wing lift to the first floor, and walk in the opposite direction to the Endoscopy Department. Otherwise, walk up the flight of stairs in the central atrium (between North and South Wings.)