Novena for the Holy Land

Our Lady Untier of Knots online Novena For the Holy Land, begins from today, Thursday 29 February to Friday, 8 March, 2024.
Hosted by Westminster Justice and Peace these nine days of prayer for the Holy Land will be led each evening from 8 to 8.45pm by Mary Pierre-Harvey, Hounslow Parish.
In this Novena to Our Lady Untier of Knots, we pray for the populations of Palestine and Israel suffering the terrible consequences of violence and war and for an end to all war. We pray that they may feel the concrete reality of God's love.
The Novena to Our Lady Untier of Knots is a wonderful nine-day prayer dedicated to the Mother of God. It is Pope Francis' favourite Novena and one of the most popular Novenas worldwide.
You are welcome to join us for as much or as little of the Novena as you are able.
Register with Eventbrite
Please email Colette Joyce on to get the Zoom link if the Eventbrite booking is full.