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'Restore Nature Now' March and Service

Source: Christian Climate Action

'Creation Cries Out' ecumenical service: 22 June 2024, 11am, Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception, Mayfair, London. Our 'Creation Cries Out' service is a collaboration between A Rocha UK, Green Christian, Christian Climate Action, and Operation Noah and other groups. Join us to pray, worship and lament in the context of biodiversity decline and climate breakdown.

March: Gather between midday & 1pm, Park Lane, Central London

You are invited to join us for the biggest ever march to protect the natural world and tackle the climate emergency. CCA members will be gathering with thousands of others in London for a family-friendly, legal march to demand that UK politicians show strong domestic and global nature and climate leadership.

Why are we marching?

Creation is in crisis. Nature in the UK is in long-term decline and without radical change we're set to lose even more precious habitats and species. That is why we're joining a coalition of nature and climate organisations at a mass demonstration calling on politicians from all parties to act now for nature, people and climate.

The vision is for a huge creative, family-friendly and legal mass gathering that demonstrates a united call to protect and restore our natural world. It is an opportunity for some creative campaigning with speeches from activists and conservationists, as well as entertainers and performance artists, all highlighting the beauty of UK wildlife and the need to protect it.

'Restore Nature Now' March and Rally

A wide range of dozens of nature, wildlife and climate groups are joining together, united in calls for politicians to support action to restore nature by:

  • Providing more funding to ensure a nature-friendly farming approach
  • Making polluters pay for the damage they do to the environment
  • Creating more space for nature by expanding and improving protected areas and public land
  • Putting a legal right to a healthy environment in law - clean air and water and access to nature for all communities
  • Delivering fair and effective climate action that means we at least halve UK emissions by 2030.

The organisations and individuals involved are calling on all political parties to take action to restore nature and make this General Election the turning point for nature that we need.

Is the demonstration legal? Everyone has a right to protest and to organise protests in the UK. 'Restore Nature Now' will be a legal protest and illegal activity of any kind at the demonstration will not be tolerated by the event organisers. The organisers have proactively engaged with the Greater London Authority, Metropolitan Police and the relevant Borough Councils to inform them of 'Restore Nature Now's plans and event organisers are working closely with these groups throughout the delivery of the event.

Will the demonstration be peaceful? 'Restore Nature Now' is calling for all politicians to bring about the change needed to end the nature and climate emergencies, through a peaceful, nonviolent and legal demonstration. The organisers are committed to ensuring that 'Restore Nature Now' provides a safe and inclusive atmosphere for everyone who takes part, for authorities supporting the event and for the general public. The event will be a peaceful demonstration and violent and aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated or condoned by the organisers. Event stewards will work closely with the police throughout the event.

Put the date in your diaries now.



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