Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP to give keynote address at London Jesuit Centre
Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP will give the keynote address at LGBT+ Catholics Westminster 25th Anniversary Day Conference next Saturday, 25 May, at the London Jesuit Centre, Aula Magna, 114 Mount Street W1K 3AH.
Booking before Thursday 23 May is essential. To register click here:
or email: All are welcome.
The LGBT+ Catholics Westminster 25th Anniversary Day Mass will take place on Trinity Sunday, 26 May, at 5.30pm, in the Church of the Immaculate Conception (Farm Street Jesuit Church) 114 Mount Street W1K 3AH.
The Principal Celebrant will be Rt Rev Paul McAleenan, Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of Westminster. In the presence of Cllr Robert Rigby, Lord Mayor of the City of Westminster & the Lady Mayoress, Emiko Murai Rigby.
A reception follows in the Arrupe Hall, 114 Mount Street. All are welcome.