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Pope celebrates first World Children's Day Mass

Image:  Vatican Media

Image: Vatican Media

Source: Vatican News

Around 50,000 children gathered in Rome's Olympic Stadium on Saturday for the first World Children's Day, called by Pope Francis. The final event was a special Mass in St Peter's Square celebrated by the Holy Father. During his homily the Pope told the children: "God created us, Jesus saved us, and the Holy Spirit accompanies us throughout our life."

Emphasising the profound unity and love within the Holy Trinity, Pope Francis describing it as a family. "We pray to God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. How many 'gods' are there? One in three persons," he explained.

The Pope went on to ask the children gathered, "when we pray to God the Father, what is the prayer that we all pray?" They responded, "The Our Father", after which the Holy Father encouraged them to always seek guidance from God, the Father who created us all and loves us deeply.

Pope Francis then spoke of the importance of Jesus the Son in their lives. "We pray to Jesus because He helps us, stays close to us, and even when we receive communion, we receive Jesus and He forgives all our sins," he said. He then asked, "is it true that Jesus forgives everything?" and the children responded "yes!"

Pope Francis then went on to speak of the Holy Spirit. He explained that understanding the Holy Spirit might be challenging, describing the Spirit as the divine presence within us, received through Baptism and the Sacraments. "The Holy Spirit is the one who accompanies us in life," he told the children, before encouraging them to repeat this same phrase together. He explained that the Holy Spirit guides them to do good and offers comfort and strength in difficult times.

Finally, the Holy Father spoke to the children about Mary. "What is the name of our Mother in Heaven?" he asked, and the children answered, "Mary." They then recited the Hail Mary together.

Bringing his homily to a close, Pope Francis urged the children to pray for their parents, grandparents, ill children, and for peace in the world. "Pray for us so that we can go forward, all of us."


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