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Who better than to talk of hope than the Church?

Speakers from Good innovation, Catholics in Fundraising convenor John Green and guests.

Speakers from Good innovation, Catholics in Fundraising convenor John Green and guests.

"Who better than to talk of hope than the Church?"

So said guest speakers from Good Innovation at the Catholics in Fundraising summer 2024 reception.

50 fundraisers gathered at CAFOD on Thursday 30th May to hear of the effects of war, pandemic and rapid technological changes on fundraising.

Ben Cohen of Good Innovation told attendees that "a different mindset and structures are needed" to do better fundraising.

Attendees heard that while AI can help Church fundraising, having a data strategy is key to helping the Church effectively fundraise to support its mission.

Catholics in Fundraising convenor John Green said 'in addition to the professional development this event provided this reception was an important opportunity to bring together a good number of fundraisers whose work supports the Church community.'

Catholics in Fundraising conference is the UK's leading network Catholics working in fundraising roles. It aims to build a strong community of like-minded individuals, offer insights into best practices, and encourage innovative approaches to fundraising within the Catholic context.

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